By Redacción
The murals, which depicted Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Eva Peron, were located in Lugano’s popular Marielle Franco High School. The school was covered in escraches and disqualifying words, as well as the controversial phrase, “Videla returns”.
This week, the Marielle Franco Popular School in Villa Lugano in Buenos Aires began to display graffiti with contentious messages on the walls and sidewalks. These included messages that defended the military dictatorship and escraches regarding the images of Eva Peron or Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
The teaching staff and students of an educational center located at 2308 Guardia Nacional Street in Autonomous City of Buenos Aires reported their building had been vandalized, with “expressions of political and sexist hate and vindication of genocidaires.”
The institution explained in this way that images of the murals paying tribute to Eva Peron, and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as the Vice President, had been covered with black. The phrases found also contained a lot of sexist and political hatred, as well as demands for a military dictatorship. These included “chorra”, “whore” and “Volve Videla”.
In a press release, the school said that “they violate teachers and students at our space for popular education where we gather every day to allow young people or adults to complete secondary studies and attend the soup kitchen.”
In the letter, they stated that they had already “said Never Again” and added, “The basements of Democracy, as Nestor called it, are not hidden anymore today, and they feel empowered and able to transgress any norms of democratic coexistence and respect.” “They will not pass”, the letter concluded.
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